During the implementation of the TWI program, additional methods were added, such as: Occupational Safety and Relations with Trade Unions. TWI materials were created by the best American scientists and practitioners, including William Edwards Deming, the creator of the PDCA cycle. Each of the methods of the TWI program was based on this cycle.
The learning-by-doing principle prevailed at the TWI workshops. To this day, this principle is valid in the TWI program. Each of the participants in the workshop not only had to get acquainted with the theory, but also had to prepare a project for each of the three methods. The workshops lasted for 2 hours for 5 days in a row. TWI consultants in LeanTrix were trained by the American TWI Institute according to the original TWI program.
TWI materials for trainers after World War II were provided free of charge to humanity, therefore it is possible to download them today in their original form. Below, we give you access to download TWI materials for trainers for free and start implementing this program in your company from today!