Dlaczego taka usługa jest potrzebna?

Smart Onboarding shortens the time it takes to introduce new employees, increases their engagement and improves retention. Thanks to a structured approach based on TWI and the 70:20:10 model, it minimizes turnover costs, reduces operational errors and ensures rapid achievement of full efficiency. Companies gain better prepared employees, which translates into higher quality of work and team stability.

Smart Onboarding
Smart Onboarding Leantrix

Jaka jest nasza rola?

  • Analysis and optimization – we diagnose the current onboarding process and indicate areas for improvement.
  • Program design – we develop a personalized Smart Onboarding program tailored to the company’s needs.
  • Creation of materials – we prepare job instructions, checklists, e-learning modules and other training resources.
  • Implementation of TWI and the 70:20:10 model – we introduce proven training methods, increasing the effectiveness of implementation.
  • Organization of the onboarding space – we support the creation of DoJo or TWI Room, providing practical conditions for learning.
  • Training of instructors and trainers – we prepare staff to effectively conduct onboarding.
  • Monitoring and optimization – we analyze the effects of implementation, collect feedback and introduce improvements.
  • Long-term support – we provide mentoring, training and updating of materials so that onboarding is always effective.

Garść faktów

implemented onboarding programs in various organizations
people who have gone through DoJo Rooms co-created by Leantrix
trained Onboarding Trainers

Wsparcie wdrożeniowe

Wsparcie realizujemy w oparciu o proces Kata, co pozwala dostosować nasze działania do specyfiki Twojej organizacji, uwzględniając wspólnie wyznaczone cele. Proces Kata składa się z czterech kluczowych elementów, które umożliwiają efektywną realizację założeń.

Wyznaczenie kierunku działań

Projektowanie koncepcji odpowiadającej na cele i wyzwania organizacji

Określenie stanu obecnego

Poznanie obecnej sytuacji oraz zebranie danych wyjściowych do zdefiniowania kolejnego kroku.

Określenie stanu docelowego

Ustalenie pożądanego i mierzalnego efektu końcowego oraz planu jego realizacji.

Eksperymenty - konsultacje

Realizacja działań zgodnie z ustalonym modelem współpracy, bazując na cyklach PDCA.

Działamy wg PDCA



  • Analysis of the current onboarding process and identification of areas for improvement.
  • Defining the goals of the Smart Onboarding program (e.g. shortening the implementation time, improving retention, increasing efficiency).
  • Adapting the onboarding program to the specifics of the organization and its needs.
  • Developing an action plan for the first days, weeks and months of a new employee.
  • Integrating the TWI Employee Instruction method and the 70:20:10 model into the implementation process.
  • Optimizing the onboarding process by minimizing unnecessary formalities and maximizing practical training.
  • Developing a schedule of activities and dividing roles among trainers and instructors.
  • Preparing and implementing tools supporting onboarding (e.g. Smart Onboarding, e-learning, digital materials, checklists).



  • Creating an onboarding space, e.g. DoJo or TWI Room, equipped with training materials.
  • Developing and implementing TWI job instructions, which will be the foundation of the new employee training process.
  • Preparing training materials (videos, checklists, guides, interactive courses).
  • Conducting the first onboarding sessions for new employees in accordance with the new program.
  • Applying the TWI IP (Employee Instruction) method in practice by introducing new people to jobs under the supervision of experienced instructors.
  • Using digital tools to support onboarding (e.g. the Smart Onboarding application to monitor progress and collect data).
  • Organizing mentoring and coaching meetings for new employees.
  • Enabling new employees to interact and exchange experiences with other team members.



  • Collecting feedback from new employees on the onboarding process (e.g. surveys, interviews, feedback sessions).
  • Monitoring key onboarding performance indicators (e.g. time to full productivity, retention after 3 and 6 months).
  • Analysis of the degree of knowledge acquisition by new employees (tests, skill assessments).
  • Verification of the effectiveness of TWI instructors and onboarding trainers.
  • Comparison of the results of the new process with the previous implementation model.
  • Assessment of employee engagement in the first weeks/months of work.
  • Identification of barriers and problems that may require process adjustments.



  • Improve the onboarding program based on collected data and feedback.
  • Introduce necessary adjustments to the process, materials and approach to employee onboarding.
  • Continuous monitoring and analysis of onboarding results over a longer period of time.
  • Supervision of the implementation of onboarding standards by leaders, trainers and instructors.
  • Regular training and development of TWI instructor competencies to increase the effectiveness of onboarding.
  • Optimization of onboarding support systems (e.g. content modification in Smart Onboarding).
  • Introduce innovative training methods (e.g. VR simulations, gamification, new AI tools to personalize onboarding paths).
  • Scaling the onboarding program to other areas of the organization.

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